UBC - UBC - Universal Business Card

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By clicking on the button below, you can access the E-commerce page of QRPlaza and choose the model and the number of UBC you want to buy.
After purchase we will email you the coupon to generate your UBC (Universal Business Card) or we'll ship you your printed UBC.

QRPlaza UBC: the unique business card that follows you throughout your professional life.
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 UBC - Universal Business Card: how does it work

UBC - Universal Business Card

QRPlaza UBC - UBC - Universal Business Card

QRPlaza UBC - Universal Business Card is the new Universal Business Card that once generated and printed follows you for the whole professional life.
QRPlaza UBC - Universal Business Card is the new GREEN solution that saves paper and trees. No need to reprint your UBC when you change any contact information, all your personal details reside on the QRPlaza cloud, protected by a 256-bit key, and can be modified in real time.

You can also associate with your UBC - Universal Business Card video or video presentations (Youtube, Vimeo), audio messages (Soundcloud), Powerpoint presentations (Slideshare), pictures (Flickr, Twitter), upload personal files (resume, documents) and much more.
Each UBC - Universal Business Card is unique and can be updated and customized in real time.

UBC - Universal Business Card choosing GREEN replacing your classic business card.

The content associated with the QRPlaza UBC - Universal Business Card can be text, audio/video (video taken or uploaded by you on Youtube / Vimeo, Soundcloud audio files, photos uploaded to Flickr or shared on Twitter, Slideshare presentations) and more...

And with no need to reprint your UBC - Universal Business Card whenever you update any information! All your UBC - Universal Business Card will be up to date!

QRPlaza UBC - Universal Business Card is a great novelty that will amaze all your contacts.

You can choose to associate with your QRPlaza UBC - Universal Business Card how much content you want and update them at any moment ...

Among the main benefits of UBC:

1. Single Business card with all contact information integrated into an unique code
2. After you print it, your new UBC will follow you throughout your whole career, without the need for reprinting
3. Ability to associate to your UBC: files, videos, presentations, curriculum, etc.
4. Email notifications whenever your UBC will be read
5. Links to all your Social networks, with the possibility of real-time updates
6. Ability to protect all your personal data, linked to your UBC by password
7. Save paper avoiding costly reprints when you change even just one personal reference
8. All personal information can be updated in real-time within your QRPlaza profile
9. Upload all your personal information, directly into your contacts' address book, with just a single shoot
10. For greater security all your sensitive data are encrypted within the QRPlaza DB

Note: read the UBC on the right with your smartphone to see the QRPlaza UBC - Universal Business Card become alive...

To read QRPlaza UBC - Universal Business Card we recommend you the App I-nigma, available for iOS, Android e Windows Mobile.

 Promo video

 QRplaza Greeting Cards: how does it work

UBC - Universal Business Card samples

Shoot the codes below with your smartphone to see the QRPlaza UBC - Universal Business Card become alive and read all contact informations...

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